
User Experience

Usability answers the question, “Can the user accomplish their goal?”
— Joyce Lee, Human Factors Design at Apple


User Experience is possibly the most important aspect of the creative process, because it completely focuses on the end-users habits of interacting with the product. As an Experience Designer, my job is to make systems and content as easy to understand and interact with as possible. 



For me, the User Experience process always begins with sketches. The act of simply getting ideas on a page often helps to organize and prioritize content, and allows me to explore the space I'm working with. 

Refined Wireframes

After gathering data from the Usability Test, wireframes are then refined, and branding elements are added, such as fonts, colors, and logos. 


The next step in the User Experience process for me is Wireframing. Making a digital version of my sketches allows me to identify how the different pieces of content will come together to create a cohesive system. 

Collaborating with Developers

The last step in the process involves working with developers to communicate what is expected on the back end of the system. As an interactive designer, it is then my responsibility to tune up what they build, so that it's as easy to use as possible. This often requires going back to usability testing and refining wireframes, until the perfect combination is found. 

Usability Testing

The third step for me is Usability Testing. This might be the most important step, because it allows me to evaluate how other people interact with the system, which will bring to light any complications or short comings within the system.